Acquiring industrial property rights
We work on all aspects of acquiring rights, in particular patent rights. We bring expertise to protection strategy regarding cooperation and considered applications in the industry.
Our strength: Proposing a strategy to defend rights internationally aligned with your enhancement objectives.
Evaluating a legal situation and your levers for action
What can you protect? Why protect? Why keep something secret or publish it? Where can you find the value in your innovations and what are the most suitable tools for making your search a success?
Our method: stepping into your place and planning.
We support you in carrying out patentability studies, prior art searches, freedom-of-utilisation studies, IP SWOT analyses to clarify your creditors. We define high-value defensive rights. The acquisition strategy is established regarding applications of your results.
Technology transfer, licence
We help you to monitor the different contractual aspects of a technology transfer or a licence. As part of this, we identify the formalisation of knowledge and identify protected technologies. We take care of all checks required in view of preparing for the transfer or the licence.
Our vision: To tackle all aspects to strengthen the transaction.
Making your teams aware and training them

Developing and distributing good practices with researchers and doctors is about preserving your assets, keeping a head start and enhancing your intangible potentials. We develop interactive and tailored awareness-creating sessions with the aim of making the IP a bridge in choosing the search.
Our approach is modern and opens up the main challenges of understanding intellectual property, industrial property, and more broadly, intangible heritage tools for you.