Key accounts

Protecting your innovations with high added value

We offer you expertise in developing your protections with strong potentials. In particular, we work on the following missions: writing patent applications, improving a patent text before extensions, responses to offices, preparing divisional applications, etc.

Our vision: to define a 360° protection.
As part of this, we make sure that IP rights will have a capacity to resist an examination procedure in the main foreign offices, an opposition or an invalidity proceeding. We make sure that rights cover your inventions and their future utilisation. We implement a backup test and we challenge different company routes.

Our aim: To give you an opinion on the best route for protection.

Carrying out an Audit, a financial evaluation of your IP assets

Legal audit. We have developed different methods considering more than 20 legal criteria, of which, in particular, the backup and reliability of your rights, as well as your capacity to act on the basis of your rights. We define, with you, the framework of the mission and the indicators suited to your situation and to your objectives. Our method is based on two pillars: analysing your legal position and analysing your legal agility.

We deliver an IP SWOT analysis in order to alert, recommend, secure and anticipate the opportunities and risks identified.

Financial evaluation. Equipped with a robust evaluation method, we involve ourselves, particularly, in positioning your technology, analysing the coverage of your rights, the legal strength of your titles, as well as market data.

Studying freedom of utilisation

We identify, before launching a product, the rights likely to oppose its utilisation. We deliver an opinion on the risks incurred regarding existing rights.
In the case of an identified non-freedom, we propose different strategies, of which are possible backup routes, a strategy for weakening existing titles, support in negotiating with a third party.
Producing a strategic board, a portfolio review
We support you in managing your portfolio of rights.

Our philosophy: To anticipate the Step afterwards.
New technologies, speed of new actors’ actions and reconfiguring existing markets involve a regular adaptation of your priorities. In doing this, we support you in making your IP an effective tool, serving your economic model.

Our aim: To combine your IP strategy and managing your activities.
We deliver an opinion on matching your rights with your developments, on supporting acquisition to secure new developments or abandonments to redirect your IP strategy.

Organising the creation of an “Open innovation” service

We support you in creating an “open innovation” service. How do you organise innovation problems in an open context? How do you organise the ownership of assets in the framework of a multi-actor pool? How do you organise an effective “open innovation”, preserving your know-how? How do you secure the contractual aspects in a 1-N party diagram? How do you structure the legal aspects of a Hackathon or an open WEB platform? Etc.

Nos bureaux

94 rue La Fayette
Esc. D, 1er Étage
75010 Paris

1 rue des Vieilles Douves
44000 Nantes

+33 6-64-82-93-19
