
Evaluating your intangible assets

Your creations identify you and give you a head start. We create a report on your potential strengths. What can you protect? Why patent your technology, keep it secret or publish it? Where does the value lie in your innovations and what are the tools that are the most suited to make your business grow?

Our method: putting ourselves in your place, challenging you and planning.
We support in creating a patentability study, prior art search, freedom of utilisation study, IP SWOT analysis to clarify your creditors. We define the high-value defensive rights. The acquisition strategy is established as regards your developments to enable legal agility all throughout the acquisition procedure.

Acquisition of rights regarding industrial property

We work on all aspects of acquiring rights, in particular, patent rights. We integrate your business core and the aspects connected to your business in an all-round strategy. Our expertise in data protection and in software, moreover gives you clarification across all steps in designing your creations: from their creation to their utilisation.

Our strength: We plan high-potential defence and value rights. We take our time and present to you a strategy over the short- and long-term, in view of planning for sustainable assets.

Preparing a fundraiser

We help you to prepare all checks required, in view of preparing a fundraiser. Transforming your plans into assets and your weaknesses into strengths will give you all the levers for action to obtain the necessary funds.

Our advantage: We have developed methods that are consistent and dedicated to your challenges. We deliver to small start-ups, SMEs concerned about organising their project developments or key accounts, opening up to open innovation.

Avoiding early errors

Projects are different, but history repeats itself. That is more or less the observation that we draw upon when contacted by young entrepreneurs or start-up directors. We propose to analyse your situation for you, to secure your developments.

Our belief: enriching the knowledge of our clients on industrial/intellectual property, allows them to assess, as best they can, a future situation.
We take care to pass on our recommendations and highlight the paths to follow as regards protecting and enhancing your intangible assets. We state the contractual situations to avoid and implement the rules to follow to keep control of your exchanges with your partners.
Our driver: to come out of each situation, winning.

Nos bureaux

94 rue La Fayette
Esc. D, 1er Étage
75010 Paris

+33 (0)1 42 63 23 28

+33 (0)6-64/82-93/19

6 cours Olivier de Clisson
44000 Nantes

+33 (0)2 28 44 62 58
